(asked by David L. from Miami) Thanks Dave for asking this.Actually, I was surprised that nobody had asked this question yet, especially after the shaving question. And if you think about asking the “losing wars” question, don’t worry, David is asking this one too and it’ll be the next entry.This is what friends are for. So, why don’t French people wear deodorant?Truth is, that to my knowledge most French people do wear deodorant.I won’t say that everybody does, that would [Read the rest]
(asked by Starman from Fort Lauderdale, Florida) “This probably isn’t really a “French” question, but I’m really curious. Why do all the museums insist on no-flash pictures? I can’t imagine a camera flash having a bad affect on a sculpture. Or a painting, for that matter.” As you’re saying yourself, it’s not really a French question but as it applied for pretty much all French museums (actually, I assume that it’s pretty much all museums in the world, right?) I [Read the rest]
You might have noticed (or not), but there’s a new widget on the right side column especially for regular readers of this blog…So if you are (or want to become) a regular reader, do not hesitate to become a “follower”…
(asked by Marie from… somewhere…) She also adds: “Do you stop every day to buy a loaf of bread at your local bakery?“ Ouch… Busted… With this question the whole world will know I’m not a real French person.The thing is that I don’t really eat bread that much. I can go months without bread. Actually I never ever buy bread, I’ll eat it only if somebody else bought some, but it won’t just cross my mind to buy bread. [Read the rest]
OK people. I’m afraid there has been a misunderstanding since the last question I answered. Why is it that every single question I’ve received since is basically the same:“I’m dating/am interested in this French man. What does it mean when he does or says this? What does he want? Will my relationship with him work? Will we have many kids? Etc…” I think some people missed something about this blog. Maybe they’ve only read the previous entry and didn’t bother [Read the rest]