Jun 252011

(asked by Nicolette from California) I was in a relationship with a French guy. The relationship was very good here in CA. So, he invited me to France to spend Christmas with his family, meet his parents, etc. I was excited about this, and accepted. I arrived to meet a very wealthy family. During my seven week stay (in their secondary house) I was invited into the big house for 2 meals with them, a lunch on my 5th day [Read the rest]

Jun 202011
Single Moms in France?

  (asked by Anat from Israel) I’m a single mom of 2 boys ( twins), 6+ years old. (I’m divorced but their father isn’t active in raising them) I’ve worked in hi-tech for many years and recently was suggested to relocate from my work to Paris for 2 years. (I live in Israel) Beside the amazing work opportunity for me and the great experience for the kids, I worry about being a single mom in a foreign, maybe even hustle [Read the rest]

Jun 022011
What does it mean to hold hands for a French?

  (asked by Regina from Malaysia) I am Asian from Malaysia and have been really confused with my reaction to a French man which I cannot seem to find an answer to explain as I am not sure how French men generally respond to girls taking the initiative? The incident is as follows: Last weekend, we were at a after work party disco event. One of my french colleagues J. got really drunk, and started saying that he loves me [Read the rest]