Mar 282011
I’m a vegetarian, will I be a pain in everybody’s ass in France?

  (asked by Lilliem from the US) I just read your blog, and I thought it was really cool and helpful! I do have one question though. I’m going on an exchange to France this summer as a student and staying with a host family. I have been a vegetarian for five years, you mentioned before that you and your friends were talking about it. I was just wondering, do you think that this would really affect my trip? I [Read the rest]

Mar 252011

  March 25, 2011: If you’re new to the blog, well, welcome… I advise you to go to the Read First page and after that, you’re free to rock and roll.   If you’re not new here, it means that everything you’re looking at right now is not the way it used to be. But don’t be too confused, not much has changed, except for the way the blog looks and the web address (don’t forget to update your bookmarks, [Read the rest]

Mar 142011

Nothing about France today. I just want to invite you to help Japan if you can. And please, no slacktivism (sharing links is a good thing, but it’s not enough - yes, this is what I’m doing here, but this is not the only thing I’m doing), no prayer (who’s the idiot that launched that “Pray for Japan” campaign? this is really the worst kind of slacktivism and it hurts more than it helps when people think they’ve done something [Read the rest]

Mar 122011

Just a quick note to announce upcoming big changes on the blog. The most important one is a technical one. Within the next few weeks I will say goodbye to Blogger and move Ask a Frenchman to a self hosted platform.. -When will that happen? I’m not totally sure. I am technically ready to do it, but I want to make sure I do it the right way. (Warning: technical terms ahead) There is no way to do a real [Read the rest]

Mar 072011

A while ago, I answered the question “Why French Women Do Not Ask Men Out?“ But there was one comment that I never published. Why? Because I thought it deserved its own post. Yes, it was that good and that interesting. So here it is: Febehlat said: “Even though this idea came into context quite a few centuries ago I believe that certain things often integrate themselves into society so much that people do not even realize that they are [Read the rest]